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Create a QUIC-Fire Export

A QUIC-Fire export is a downloadable file that contains all the fuel and topography input files you need to run a QUIC-Fire simulation.

The compressed export includes the following files:

  • treesrhof.dat: 3D canopy fuel grid of bulk density values.
  • treesmoist.dat: 3D canopy fuel grid of moisture content values.
  • treesfueldepth.dat: 3D canopy fuel grid of fuel depth values.
  • topo.dat: 2D topography grid of elevation values.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and downloading a QUIC-Fire export in the FastFuels web application.


  1. Sign In to Your Account:

  2. Access the Exports Section:

    • There are two ways to access the Exports section:
    1. Click on the Exports icon from the left app sidebar.
    Arrow pointing to the Exports icon.
    1. From the Domains map in /domains. Click on the elipses icon from the domains list and select Export.
    Arrow pointing to the Export option from a domain.
  3. Generate a New Export:

    • Make sure a domain is selected from the top left dropdown. Then click on the Generate QUIC-Fire export button at the top right corner of the screen.
    Arrow pointing to the Generate QUIC-Fire export button.
    • An alert window will pop up and the QUIC-Fire export process will begin. This may take a few minutes to complete.
    • Once the export is complete, you can either download the QUIC-Fire export or press continue.
    Finished export.
    • After creation, the QUIC-Fire export can also be downloaded at any time by clicking on the Actions button in the table and selecting Download.